According to a study by Frances Rauscher, a psychologist at the University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh, listening to Mozart improves spatial and mathematical ability of people.

The problem is that when listening to a Mozart sonata not everyone gets the same results. A more reliable option is to receive lessons in music theory, since, according to studies, improves spatial reasoning. In an IQ test done to children six years, those attending music lessons took between 2 and 3 points more than the rest of his teammates.

Far more entertaining is, without doubt, play video games 'Braintraining Dr. Kawashima: How Old Is Your Brain? "Or" Big Brain Academy' In Japan, Nintendo has sold millions of copies and in Europe have been a the star of Christmas gifts. The exercises, arithmetic, reading and memory tests are quick tasks that stimulate the brain. According to Nintendo, play a few minutes a day on a regular basis stimulates parts of the brain associated with reasoning, creativity and concentration.

Cheaper are the traditional, but very effective mnemonics. The mnemonics are a number of tricks, usually linguistic, that facilitate memorization. One of the best known has been used for years by teachers to teach the first line of the periodic table of chemical elements. Surely many will remember the phrase "The BBC does not work" we used to store Lithium - Beryllium - Boron - Carbon - Nitrogen - Oxygen - Fluorine - Neon in the periodic table. The more you use these rules, the easier it idearlas both first and later recall.

Adnan Mahendran, a gifted young Moroccan, uses a novel system to perform complex mental arithmetic. His secret is to associate a color to each number from 0 to 9. At only 11 years, Adnan is able to multiply up to 15 digits for 15 digits and making divisions with extraordinary speed.

If you are someone who does not forget the head because you're close to your body, it is best to enter a series of routines in your day to help you put some order into chaos. Always leave the keys in the same place or point in a sheet-dos if only to better secure them in your mind can be a good start. Although it may seem silly, simply decide to pay more attention to everything around you can make an important difference.

Some sport practice several days a week can also enhance learning, abstract reasoning or concentration up to 15%. The exercise provides extra oxygen promotes the creation of new neurons.

Can you imagine the opposite case, that through mental exercises could stimulate our body? In 2001, a group of researchers at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation in Ohio asked the subjects of their experiment for 15 minutes a day think about exercising their biceps. After 12 weeks, the arms of the participants were 13% stronger.

Finally, highlight the importance of sleep in the learning process. When exam time comes, a very common attitude among students is to increase the hours of study at the expense of time spent sleeping. And yet, this is the worst mistake you could make. During sleep, our brain is working, increases performance, improves memory and may even enhance creativity.