Seven seconds later, Grace was born at the hospital of Sant Joan Deu of Barcelona. At 15 seconds of the season got Berta, who was born at the hospital La Ribera, in the Valencian town of Alzira, like Alexander, the first child born this year in Spain and specifically in Montpellier Clinic Zaragoza .
The first baby was born manchego in Marta in the general hospital Tomelloso (Ciudad Real), after two minutes at 00.00 hours, followed by Mateu and Saul, who came to the world at 00.08 hours in Palma de Mallorca and Madrid, respectively .
Also in the 8th minute Andalusian first baby born in the town of El Ejido (Almería) and whose name the parents have not yet decided. In this less Almeria remains the Spaniard who arrived at 0015 hours. After 20 minutes of midnight