This represents an increase of 10.8% compared to the debt with which it closed last year, surpassing the 4.684 million euros. By regions, Andalusia is the fastest-level of debt (1,245 million euros), followed by Valencia (957 M), Madrid (700 M) and Castilla y Leon (500 M). By contrast, areas with lower leverage are Navarra (9.4 M), La Rioja (41.8 M), Basque Country (51.5 M) and Extremadura (53.5 M).

In the first three months of this year only five communities have reduced their hospital debt: Navarra (68.2%), Cantabria (9.6%), Balearic Islands (7.9%), Basque Country (1.1%) and Murcia (0.5%). Among the regions most in Galicia are increased (38.1%), La Rioja (35.7%), Castilla-La Mancha (24.1%), Valencia (17%) and Andalusia (16.4 %).

In relation to the average payment, average in the NHS as a whole stood at 410 days, 20 more than in the previous year. Up to five communities accumulate more than 600 days of delay in payment for supply of medicines to hospitals. Castilla y Leon is the one with the greatest delay (725 days), followed by Andalusia (659 days), Valencia (633 days), Cantabria (623 days) and Murcia (605 days). In contrast, regions with means of payment periods are lower Navarre (42 days), Basque Country (87 days) and Extremadura (159 days).

A total of nine communities were able to reduce in the first quarter of this year its average payment period: 119 days reduced it Cantabria, Navarre, 106; Baleares, 85, Murcia, 20, Asturias, 8, Catalunya, 6, Extremadura and the Basque Country , 5, and Aragón, 2. As for those who experienced a greater increase in the delay are Galicia, where it increased by 82 days compared to December 2010, Andalusia and Valencia (72 days), La Rioja (64) and Castilla-La Mancha (63).

Ceuta and Melilla, managed by the INGESA (Ministry of Health), accumulating a debt of 0.9 million euros (110% more than in December last year) and pay an average period of 35 days (18 more).