This pattern, eventually, could bias the collective wisdom about doctors, hospitals or treatment options.

It is estimated that 60 percent of people seek health information on the Internet and social networks are part of that search. Social networks are not limited to big as Facebook or Twitter, but discussion forums or specific areas of health as

The study analyzed data from the Health Monitoring Survey 2010, belonging to the Pew Internet & American Life Project. They conducted a telephone survey of 1745 adults who reported searching online health information and answered questions about the type of information sought and the degree of participation in social networking forums or health.

The results of the study revealed that 41% consulted about doctors, hospitals and treatments, 32% used social networks as part of their investigation. However, only 10% published opinions and 15% own comments in response to questions from others. People look generally more information than it provides.

Women are more likely than men to seek health information on the Internet, which is not surprising, since women tend to be in charge of health decisions within the family.

People with higher incomes, younger people or the city were more likely to access on the Internet that people with low income, elderly or rural areas. People with private health insurance were also more likely to seek health information online, probably because they have more health care options.

Finally, people with chronic diseases are twice as likely than those who do not have to look for health information online.

Source: Benefits To Sharing Personal Health Info Via Social Media