In recent years an increasing number of men attending the assisted reproduction centers for a fertility problem and the causes of rosacea, related mostly to the quality of semen. Nicolás Garrido, a specialist in andrology Group IVI (Instituto Valenciano de Infertility) affirms that age does not affect the ability of men to have children, although it defines other 4 factors that can impair their reproductive capacity.

Problems with sperm:

* On count: The World Health Organization (WHO) states that normal sperm count in the ejaculate is 20 million per milliliter of semen, enough to conceive if the woman is fertile. In case you need higher values ​​can use assisted reproductive techniques like IVF or intracytoplasmic sperm injection. When no sperm in the ejaculate, there are other techniques such as testicular biopsies.
* Lack of mobility: The causes of this low or no mobility may be episodic (for infections, for example) or permanent (related to a genetic condition). When levels are very low mobility, we must resort to some of the techniques mentioned above.

Genetic abnormalities

May be genetic abnormalities in the chromosomes or genes, or abnormalities that affect only the human germ line, ie, their sperm. Depending on the type of alteration, it will become impossible pregnancy, there will be an abortion, early fetal death or induce genetic problems in children, among others. Currently, this situation is very controlled by several tests in the same fetus or the father to prevent forward some of the most common genetic diseases to the child. Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) is a key technique to eliminate such anomalies in the offspring, it differentiates the healthy embryos that are not before being transferred to the womb.

Idiopathic factors

In this case, ignore the reasons that prevent pregnancy. Science is and should continue in this field, such as IVI Group, recently implemented in Spain a new program that improves sperm selection by 10% fertilization rate, using the MACS technique (cell selection immunomagnetic). This innovation rate the quality of sperm not only by their morphology and mobility as before, but includes other molecular factors involved in infertility.

External factors

The fourth group of factors that motivate male infertility refers to the habits of the individual and environmental agents:

* Poor eating habits, obesity and overweight: A diet low in antioxidants (vitamins E, A, C and B-12, carnitine, arginine, or selenium) and folate, essential in the development of germ cells, acts negatively on DNA sperm and is associated with decreased sperm production.
* Excessive consumption of alcohol: In addition to causing damage to multiple organs, also acts on the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular, affecting the levels of testosterone as well as the quality and quantity of sperm.
* Snuff: In addition to alcohol, multiplies the negative effects on the male reproductive system, as it is capable of mutating germ cells.
* Use of drugs: High doses of marijuana (8-20 cigarettes a day), the most consumed drug worldwide, significantly reduce the concentration, motility and sperm morphology, as well as other drugs.
* Stress: The sperm quality of men subjected to very traumatic stress point is also seriously impaired.