Is it possible to detect a disease by the smell?
In the study , injected in eight healthy persons with lipopolysaccharide , a bacterial toxin that Produce una respuesta immune fuerte , or with physiological serum ( placebo ) . Four hours later afternoon , these researchers recogieron las camisetas de los participants, in which habian estado sudando , recortaron area axilas y las las colocaron in boots crystal .
More afternoon , 40 students universitarios olieron y las las Samples clasificaron Intensidad afraid if it was pleasant or unpleasant and " health " percibida the smell .
Los resultados mostraban that these students calificaron las camisetas de las personas con inyectadas toxin as more intense than them nasty e of the group that was injected with physiological serum . ALSO calificaron las camisetas contributors to the group of the toxin with a smell " less healthy " Although it is possible that these students Estuvio asociando it smells pleasant or intense for them will judge health .
These results Sugi those people who may be reached from any mode , distinguish between them healthy and sick smell gente , las cuatro Check that activate the immune system .
Por otra parte , also be confirmed that as soon as the mayor was immune respuesta de los participants toxin , was the mayor of calificación as nasty muestra de ropa .
The capacity to detect them smell Sick for its purposes could be used to protect those people healthy spikes to prevent them individuos Help Sick , según investigating them .
The Resultado the research is published in the journal Psychological Science . the pasado 22 de enero de 2014 bajo the title : The Scent of Disease . Contains an Early Human Body Odor Cue Chemosensory of Sickness .
Reference to author J. Mats Olsson , Department of Clinical Neuroscience , Division of Psychology , Karolinska Institutet , Nobels väg 9 , SE- 17177 Stockholm , Sweden E-mail: @ mats.j.olsson