Tomas Chivato, the Doctor, Clinical Head, Allergy Service Hospital Central de la Defensa 'Gjómez Ulla "of Madrid and president of the SEAIC, it has been suggested that the worse it will be allergic to the" dry Spain ", ie, those residing in Madrid, Castilla La Mancha, Extremadura and Andalusia north.

Over 50% of people with allergies are sensitive to three or even four pollen, making it difficult to specify the primary causative agent in the treatment and refining

Between 20 and 25 percent of the population has allergic rhinitis and between 5 and 10 per cent asthma rates "very significant" not only because of the importance of the disease, but because it is a disease increasingly present.

Preventive measures

Besides the logic of precautionary measures to avoid exposure to pollen:
 avoid parks and gardens,
 Avoid areas of vegetation and especially the grass
 closing windows and keeping the bedroom dark during the day
 use of filters in air-conditioned car

There are drugs to combat allergy symptoms most harmful and annoying. But their effectiveness is limited to the precise position taken. "The only treatment that provides more than symptom control is immunotherapy, ie, vaccinated, stressed the president-elect of the SEIACO, José María Olaguibel," because it retains its effectiveness after years and slows a bit progression of allergy.