The survey involved 1,500 people aged between 25 and 55 years in the United States, Canada , Mexico , UK, Germany and Japan, where they were asked about their sleeping rituals , habits and tastes .

The 62 % of Mexicans and almost 50 % of Americans said they prayed or meditated an hour before sleep.

The British occupied the first place in the ranking of those taking soft drinks, such as tea, before going to bed and 33 % of Britons , said sleep naked.

The average number of pillows used by people in all countries is two, except in Japan , where they sleep with . The 10% of respondents in Mexico and Japan said sleep without a pillow .

The most common activity before bedtime is watching television , 66% of respondents in each country said they watched television before bedtime.

Neat - Disaster

Japan had the highest percentage of people who claimed never to bed, with 20 percent. By contrast , the people of Mexico were the most neat , since 82 % of respondents said they made the bed every day.

Mexico also ranked first in the percentage of people , almost 25 % , which changed the sheets more than once a week , while 33 % of Japan's population and 12 % of Germans said they changed their sheets every three weeks or more.

For Germans , ventilate the room is a big deal compared to other countries. All Germans ventilate the room at least once a week .

Sleep time

In all countries , respondents said they slept an average of 45 minutes longer holidays.

Respondents in Japan and the United States sleep between 30 and 40 minutes less on weekdays than those of the other countries studied , averaging about six hours.

The 66 % of Japanese and 50 % of Americans sleep less than seven hours on weekdays compared with 40 % of Britons , 36% of Germans and 30 percent of Canadians and Mexicans.

Photo By user "Blue Lotus" ( [CC-BY-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons