A fake doctor carries five months
It was a human resources technician General Hospital of Valencia who found irregularities in the title of Medicine, University of Barcelona which brought together a fake doctor's request to go to work in the emergency department of this hospital. Phoned and expressed their doubts about the medical degree that he had presented and gave a few days to produce the correct document if it was a mistake. No answer to this requirement.
The conselleria decided to check the veracity of official documents with which the woman tried to prove his medical condition. It was found that both the title of the degree as the specialty were false. The fake doctor had faked, even the paper that showed that he was aware of the payment of contributions to the College of Physicians of Valencia.
Before the center's low given the alleged fake doctor resigned his post voluntarily, consciously, apparently, that they had detected the fraud or were about it. medicoLa false conselleria launched an alert to all the Spanish health system for women not being hired again. He also presented a petition with the prosecutor.
For now, Sanitat not give details because the case is under full investigation and do not know if the woman "was able to exert on other sites." For five months, diagnosed and attended to patients arriving at the Emergency Department of Hospital Doctor Peset of Valencia as a doctor more.
Also investigated whether during the time he was exercising any malpractice occurred with any of the patients, but hospital sources insisted that there have been no complaints against it. In contrast, other downtown workers who acknowledged that their practices were at least peculiar.
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