The meeting, organized by the Spanish Society of Ophthalmology , 110 years since its creation . For the same , there have been more than seven hundred requests to participate in communications , of which four hundred and thirteen have been selected .

Among other issues , during the meeting , will present a study on infections in patients undergoing cataract , in which university hospitals participated Canary and Our Lady of La Candelaria and Clinics Visum Alicante and Madrid.

The text reveals that 90 % of public and private centers that perform these operations are following the guidelines set by their findings , with the use of an antibiotic that has reduced these infections in one case in ten thousand .

Additionally, this national conference , attendees will learn about the progress that during these four years , we have developed in the field of glaucoma, in the so-called SEO 2013 Official Lecture entitled : Diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma.

Other activities include Oftalmocarrera Congress , which will take place on Thursday, September 26 , and whose registration fee ( 15 euros ) will go to the Spanish Association of Aniridia , nonprofit organization that seeks to contribute to the study and social knowledge , medical and scientific of this pathology.

Moreover, during this 89 Congress of the Spanish Society of Ophthalmology , will be held also meetings of various associations and working groups such as the Society of Contactología Spanish or Spanish for Pediatric Ophthalmology Group , who will announce important news for the Congress. Finally , fourteen different commercial houses organized symposia .